Friday, June 30, 2006

I have an afternoon off!

This is excellent.

Yesterday I talked to
Mary for over an hour. It made me very very happy, since we had not talked for what seemed so long (and was actually only probably two weeks). Hopefully now we will talk more often, and I should warn her that when I start school in Sept., she'll be getting a lot of phone calls - how will it seem like school and home without Mary thirty feet away? She seems to be doing well in her new life. Unfortunately, however, the government still sees her at Mary Counts, and the mail comes late, and the bird and she are still on unfriendly terms. Something tells me that bird will live longer then all of us put together.

Time for me to go enjoy a nap and some quality practice time.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Yoga Insanity

Everything was fine until once again we got in a group and talked about our feelings. I'm afraid to tell the yoga director guy that I hate to share my feelings, though, because then he'll ask me why and make it a huge production. (sigh)
No offense to flute or clarinet players. However, both the principal flute AND principal clarinet players for our late July orchestra concert are living on my floor, and every morning around 8:15 pm, when my alarm goes off the FIRST time, they decide to start their day by practicing Daphnis and Chloe excerpts, which is the main piece on the late July orchestra concert program. Now - I love Daphnis and Chloe. I have the most fond memories of playing it at Eastman during the Nov. concert of my junior year. It was probably the best orchestra concert I played there. HOWEVER - if I here that ridiculous flute solo ONE MORE TIME, bad things might start to happen. And its a beautiful flute solo too. What a shame.

In other news, things are going well. I've been tired off and on, but thats normal. We've started doing Sessions more seriously again, and surprisingly, its going much better than last week. Orchestra sounds great for Shosty 5, but Death and Transfiguration is a complete complete disaster. I think the student conductor for it is one of Wayne's old friends.

Also, I've been asked about the Bravo Alto Flute thing. Its from last summer, during the FCM orchestra concert. There was a huge alto flute solo, and my standpartner, Cristi, in his Bulgarian accent, would always shuffle his feet when it was over and say "Bravo, alto floooooote." It has become my favorite quote.

David and my obssesion with Shakira is continuing. Lets see how many times we can listen to it before we get sick of it.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

For several reasons, namely, I am bored right now and got tired of xanga, I have switched to the more common blog site used by my dear Eastman friends. I don't know if I'll be like Mary and copy and paste everything from the old xanga site to this one, but maybe soon. For now, here I am. :-)

Coaching at 5. Should be fun.