Thursday, December 04, 2008

Although the picture isn't great, here is the newest member of our apartment: Molly's new kitty, MK.

MK stands for Mama Kitty - she was a pregnant stray when she arrived at the shelter, and that is what the staff at the shelter named her. Her initials will remain the same, although Molly may change their meaning to something else. She is super friendly - hates being left alone in a room for even a second - and has a chirpy meow, sounding like a bird. She is very sweet, although still obviously very young - she is currently in an ongoing 3 day battle with the front hall rug. Every twenty minutes or so, she attacks it with a burst of fresh energy. Oh, she also enjoys eating the tips off the leaves of plants. Otherwise, she has adjusted to life here quite quickly.

I jumped at the chance to take this shot with my photo booth program, since its the most sedate she's been since moving here this past Sunday. We have had a very nice, relaxing evening together!


Mary said...

I, of course, would advise changing the initials to stand for "Mary Keener!"

Hannah said...

She's so cute! I can't wait to meet her...I have NO idea when that will be though.