Thursday, March 08, 2007


Attention All -

David Gerstein will be performing the classic "Ants" by Traditional at his first master's recital as an encore.

It goes something like this:

(pluck A string) Ants, ants, ants
(pluck D string) Digging in the dirt, dirt, dirt
(pluck G string) Going underground, ground, ground
(pluck C string) All the way to China, China, China.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Umm...How do we modify this so it works for the violin?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of the same thing yesterday!! We need to come up with something good. I can teach it to my future students, and you could teach it now.

OhMyTrill said...

Elephants elephants elephants,
jumping in the Air Air Air,
doing a little dance dance dance,
watch out of the gorilla gorilla gorilla..

...Thank You

Anonymous said...

that should be a for in the last line with the gorillas instead of a the...oops

Heather said...

I think you mean instead of the "of"

But I love it! Bravo, Gave!

Nabir said...

I was wondering where that came from. I totally get it now . . . gosh I'm slow.