Thursday, May 01, 2008

I just got the most interesting phone call.

My name was given to some woman who is looking for a string quartet for a Sandra Bullock movie. Apparently there is a wedding scene and they want the musicians to mime playing, with the sheet music in front of them so they would move their bows at the right time, but not ACTUALLY play. They just wanted it to look right.

Unfortunately, as movie filming goes, I would have to be there from 7 am to 7 pm on both next Monday and Tuesday, and I have Cantata Singers starting up next week. The pay for the movie is bad considering how long I would be there, too.

Still - I always am so annoyed at these movies that get actors who have obviously never even SEEN a string instrument, let alone held one, so I'm impressed that they actually are looking for people who know what they're doing.

I'm sad I can't do it! Darn it.

Happy Birthday Mary Keener!

1 comment:

Amy said...

oh that would have been so cool heather! oh well.

ps i miss you.