Friday, July 31, 2009

I had all these great plans to go to BU and do this elaborate, long post about my trip home for the wedding and CCE's grand tour, but its been two weeks since I've been back in Boston and I have yet to accomplish that. Sorry - it will happen, it'll just be old news.

As much as I am loving the lazier days, the relaxing, and the massive amounts of sleeping, I'm starting to go a little bit stir crazy. Fortunately, the next week is going to be a bit more active. My parents are arriving today from home (they drove) to see the Boston Braun/Hill people, and will be here till Wednesday morning, so that is lovely. In addition, I'm going with them down to Washington DC on Wednesday - my dad got a grant to do some research at the Library of Congress, and as fortune would have it, Hannah Ruth is meeting us down there as well! What a lovely last minute surprise. Although the rotation that makes this possible for Hannah is her ER rotation - yuck - she works 12-hour shifts three days a week, and has the entire next Thursday - Tuesday free - I am so happy to see her and my parents again this summer. We will be touring some sights, and I also hope to help my dad with some of his research, since I one day hope to be a Dr. Braun as well.

My other plan this summer is to do a total complete re-haul of my room. I haven't moved the boxes underneath my bed since I moved in, so its time. Its way overdue, in fact.

Ah, summer..............

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