Monday, February 12, 2007

I hate my alarm clock.

I had set it for 8 am. AM. I woke up at 10:57, three minutes before my lesson was suppose to start. I decided I might at well just call my teacher and tell him the truth, which he thought was wildly funny. I love my teacher.

However, now I'm confused, because at first I thought, "I must have accidentally set it for PM instead of AM." But when I finally checked, it IS set for AM.

(sigh) What the hell happened?? Grrrr......

In other news, they are still replacing the windows in my building, or at least I hope they are, because there has been loud noises coming from downstairs and then every once in awhile, the sounds of glass breaking. If thats how they replace windows, its news to me. Now I'm starting to worry that there may be broken glass in my apartment and I don't know it (they replaced ours over winter break). Since i haven't cut up my feet yet, I guess I'm ok, but I'm still a little worried.


Mary said...

That reminds me of all those mornings where I had to call David P.C. because I over-slept!

Anonymous said...

I think they already replaced the windows in our building...perhaps our stomping-around-at-3-am neighbors have started playing window dodgeball!

OhMyTrill said...

is it your iHome? because sometimes mine doesn't go off...or after hitting snooze a few times it decides that you need to sleep and turns off the alarm...I always set my phone as a back up

Heather said...

No, it wasn't my iHome.....I still haven't figured out how to use it as an alarm, only as a wonderful little speaker system for my ipod....