Thursday, February 15, 2007

Today in quartet rehearsal, I asked about a first ending in Brahms a minor quartet and if we were taking the first repeat "in life." What I had originally meant was are we taking that repeat always (we're playing it for the violist's DMA chamber recital). But upon further consideration of that comment, I began to think.

Wouldn't it be nice to have "first repeats" in life?

When you reach the halfway point in your life, you are suddenly back to being born again, like returning to the beginning of the exposition.

You can vaguely recall the mistakes you made during the first time round in the exposition/first half of your life, so you can correct them the second time around. This is the best part of having a first repeat.

You can change phrasing, dynamics, anything to add color and make it different the second time around, therefore not boring.



OhMyTrill said...

...and then she became an advocate of always taking the first repeat..

Heather said...

Ha. Silly Gavid.

sara ballance said...

i want a repeat. now.

Mary said...

So Heather, if you were taking the first repeat of your life and you got to the part where you had to choose your room in the dorm for your junior year, would you still choose 2C?

Anonymous said...

Yes....but I would change other things.