Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Since my birthday last Thursday, there have been many ups and downs.

1. Thursday was an up AND down. My birthday was absolutely nuts. I was once again suppose to do accompanying auditions, but both of them were canceled because of the huge storm that hit Boston on Wednesday. So I was running around trying to figure out what the hell was going on. That, plus I had a lesson with John (last name ommited here in case he googles himself), the principal oboist of the BSO since I'm doing the Bach Violin/Oboe Concerto with Kari, a student of his. He worked on his oboe the ENTIRE time. And then reeds. Then his magnifying glass thing was sitting in the sun and almost set Symphony Hall on fire. But then I had a great lesson with Peter and life was back to normal.

2. Friday was up. Orchestra went fairly well, we had another great coaching on the Brahms a minor, and then I went to Heidi's for my family bday party. She and Adelaide made angel food cupcakes and stuck candles in them and sang to me. Then Adelaide and I blew out the candles. Then I read Adelaide three bedtime stories, talked to Heidi and Whit about life in general while drinking nice red wine, and promptly feel asleep VERY peacefully.

3. Saturday was another up, a BIG one. Liza and my first BU party was a success. Although the excuse was because of my birthday, it was good to finally plan and have a party, and technically, was my first bday party since I was 10 years old and went bowling with St. Johns girls. All the liquor was consumed, most of the food was eaten, and a general good time was had by all that did not stop till around 2:30. Liza and I cleaned up quickly afterwards (chocolate cake stuck to the floor is somewhat bad, especially with a curious Mutzi around) and I fell asleep again.

4. Sunday was up, because I got many things accomplished, but down because I was in a weird mood. I'm not sure how to explain it. Maybe because it finally sunk in that I was 23.

5. Monday was another down. I slept for most of the day, and then had rehearsals, but practiced and played in general very badly.

6. Today, thus far, has been up. I got up in time for good warm-up before my lesson, had a LONG, good lesson, and just ate my last chicken salad sandwich for the next 6 weeks. Thats right Mary Keener - Ash Wednesday is TOMORROW! After tonight's hamburger trip to McDonalds, I will be an official vegetarian for the next 6 weeks. Take that.


kimberlyfitch said...

I wish I could have been there for your party - I'm sorry I missed your birthday! I was stuck in the JFK airport ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT Wednesday and then on a plane Thursday!!!

Miss you!

Heather said...

Oh yuck. Poor Fimmy!

OhMyTrill said...

you are old...23...sheesh. I am a baby compared to you...at the ripe young age of 22.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your Sunday and Monday were down...very much. (sigh)