Sunday, April 15, 2007

Shameless Concert Plug

(In the spirit and style of David's.)

My first Master's Recital
April 16th, 2007
8 pm
Concert Hall
College of Fine Arts
Boston University (855 Comm Ave)

I think the only person who reads this blog who actually lives in Boston is Liza. And she ISN'T COMING. Everyone else lives in either Houston or Rochester or Philly or NYC or Milwaukee or England or LA or Madison or Denver.

Oh well.

I want it to be over. Thank goodness - in exactly 24 hours from now, I will be finishing up Nielsen. THANK GOODNESS.


Mary said...

I will be at another recital - but I will be thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I must teach the young squirts. After going over Twinkle, Song of the Wind and O Come Little Children (and A Major Scale), I will start teaching them the Nielsen Concerto today. I do this in rememberance of the recital I will miss.

Nabir said...

I know it's over already . . . but I hope it went really well for you. At least David and myself will be in the area this summer . . . can't wait.