Saturday, September 06, 2008

I Regret This Error....

My sister Holly has a few words to say about what I wrote in a previous post (the one about Scrabble.....) on August 15th, 2008.

".......just reading your blog and noticed you wrote that you beat me in Scrabble once. As I recall - Hannah is the only one that has won against me (ONLY ONE TIME). Just so we understand each other.... ;)"

I apologize profusely to her, my family, and the Scrabble gods. Although I did not beat her, she did not win. The only time she didn't win, too.

As you can see, the Brauns get a little competitive from time to time concerning board games and cards....but we have never been that way with violin or music. I wouldn't have it any other way. :-)


kimberlyfitch said...

hahaha, thank you for clarifying!

Anonymous said...

AHH...thanks Heather Ann!! ;)