Friday, September 26, 2008

Rain rain go away

I'm watching the news right now, and this announcer talking from Fenway is standing outside (in the absolute POURING rain) with someone ELSE holding an umbrella for him. So its the man giving the report, and a random hand seemingly from nowhere holding an umbrella. Looks creepy. He has clean fingernails though.

It was so frustrating all day today with the rain. Even from my stop WAY out on the Green line there were people standing because all the seats were taken. I had to take the T a lot today because of rehearsals being all over the greater Boston area, and every time it was hot, muggy, wet, and crammed. I am one of the few people I know here that actually enjoy taking the T, but today I most certainly did NOT.

I will leave you all with this:

I love Beethoven 131.

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