Friday, October 06, 2006


Its been awhile.

Things have been crazy, with school, family, apartment, etc. I was very overwhelmed this week - so many things came up and slapped me that I had no idea were even issues. I've also been having trouble waking up on time in the mornings. Once again, like I do at the start of every school year, I try to have my alarm within arm's reach of bed. And once again, after the first month, it is a complete failure. Now I've moved it across the room, and must get OUT of bed to turn it off. And its helped almost immediately. I think from now on, that is where it shall always stay.

Apologies to Paul Miller. I WILL call you - I WANT to talk to you - I just am going insane.....I'm sorry, Paul. We will talk soon.

In other news, I leave for NYC/Manchester String Orchestra tour on Sunday. It could not be coming at a better time. I love Boston, and am SO happy here, and so far, the school has been good too. And my lessons are going SO well - I love Peter. Its so nice to have someone who knows what the problem is immediately and KNOWS how to tell you how to fix it! But some away time at this point will be very nice.

Liza's boyfriend is here visiting for the next week+. He is going to help get the couch here sometime this weekend. Very very nice of him.

I miss C house. Its just not as fun in the evenings without the ritual yelling down the hall to Mary and the boys.

And yesterday, I thought of Fimby all day, and her 23rd birthday. I miss her birthday parties. The last two were so fun.

Time to stop be dramatic.


Anonymous said...

hahahaaa i am lurking

kimberlyfitch said...

yay, thanks for calling!