Monday, November 27, 2006

It is Monday, November 27th.

The next three weeks are slightly chaotic, and as a result, I think I am feeling incredibly stressed and tired. Also, that feeling of "I just want to sleep through the next three weeks" has returned, as it usually does at the end of a semester. I have a jury soon - THAT will be VERY weird - a jury in December?? What????

Last week was very very fun. Hannah came on Monday, spent the night here with me Monday and Tuesday night, and on Wednesday we went to Heidi's for Thanksgiving. Whit did his usual spectacular job of a Thanksgiving feast. This was my fifth Thanksgiving here in Boston in a row. It felt weird on Friday to just come back to my apartment, still in Boston, instead of taking a train 10 hours back to Rochester and C house. As much as I complained about those train rides, in a way, I enjoyed them too, especially if I got my own double seat. Anyway - Hannah left on Friday :-(.

Liza is back home today from her own Thanksgiving break. I talked to Kimby last night for a bit - if you read Mary's blog you'll have already discovered this, but Kimby is taking acting classes with the one and only Sasha Cohen! Wayne needs to know about this; he'll probably have a fit. Anyway - we were thinking she should go up and say "Hi! Are you going to go for another Olympics??" What do you think?

Still have not completely decided about TMC. I know what I should do - but I also know that I love it there. Help! I have to decide for sure by Friday at midnight.

This is the first year in the past three that I am not returning home for the WLC Christmas concerts this weekend. I'm slightly sad about it. Hannah and Holly always came back too, and the three of us and my parents always had a wonderful weekend together, eating, talking, laughing, drinking wine and playing Bid Euchre. This is only the second year I've missed this weekend since 1995, and the other year I missed was my freshman year of high school, because my high school concerts were the same weekend. I may never play there again, actually. Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows. The future is very unclear right now.

On Saturday morning I woke up to a blaring alarm. It was one of those mornings where the alarm did not wake me up immediately, or at least I didn't realize it was my own alarm, so when the realization finally hit, I bolted out of bed to turn it off. Only problem - when I got up so fast, I somehow hurt the left side of my neck. It was very painful at first, and now its much better thanks to sleeping with a heating pad on it, but I couldn't play much on Saturday. Shifting requires that same muscle in my neck or shoulder or something, and it hurt. After playing about 8 hours today, I will be using the heating pad again for sleep. I hope this feels completely better sooner than later.

My dad turned 60 on Nov. 24th. That hasn't quite hit me yet. He sounds all chipper, though, still talking about his intellectual peak.

I miss you all very much.


OhMyTrill said...

HAHAHAH....I don't have to do a jury at all...ever...they don't have them at Rice!

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Booooo-hisss to you!