Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My abilities as a.....

....harp mover were rediscovered tonight. Thanks to the excellent training from Mrs. Mary, the harpist that asked for my help moving her harp to and from her car tonight at my gig even told me I was a pro and a natural. I said I learned from the best. It was very nostolgic for me to move a harp again. Made me think of the night before the BT I, moving Mary's from school to dorm in the snow!

I'm currently taking a break from the cleaning frenzy. I have a friend from home visiting tomorrow - Friday for a job interview. Liza's boyfriend Rich is also coming tomorrow afternoon, before they head to Rochester on Saturday. We have quite the full apartment for the next few days!

Speaking of snow....I wish it would.


OhMyTrill said...

awww...BT I, where it all began.

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I loved BT-1! That was probably the most ridiculous weather for harp and seat moving...