Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday Night

It is the start of a new week.

Which I feel somewhat unprepared for, but I had a good weekend, relaxing, taking time off, being happy and content, so it was worth it. No orchestra this past Wednesday and Friday certainly had a lot to do with that. The Mahler 2 concert last Monday went well, and afterwards I met up with a TMC friend, Tera, so that was nice. It felt good to actually DO something after a concert again.

This week should be good too, although a little hectic. I am playing for the Brookline Chorus' concert this upcoming weekend, with rehearsals on Wednesday and Friday night. This is my first union gig, so tomorrow morning, after a phone call, I shall become a Boston Musician's Union member, which can only be a good thing.

Next week is Thanksgiving already, and Hannah is coming for the whole week! Yay! It will be nice to have my little sister around for awhile.

Tomorrow starts Beethoven 3 for orchestra. Here we go!

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