Friday, August 11, 2006

Awww, Gavid.....

Only three days left.

My concertmaster stint is going fine. The last three pages of the Hindemith is ridiculous. Not even the BSO member who gave us our sectional yesterday could play more than 3 notes in a row without messing up. Now THAT is pretty difficult.

But today has pretty much been awful. Really. Remember when your mother taught you to think before you speak, because you might not mean or regret something you said AFTER you say it?? And you can't take it back anymore? That is me. Today. All day. Grr.

Last BSO concert tonight. Tomorrow night is film night with JW (not to be confused with Jonathan Ware - or Jason Williams, come to think of it) and Sunday is Philly Orchestra with our ex-Dean of Eastman in attendance. To all Eastman people: I asked my sponsor here what the real story and deal is with all the Undercofler and Seligman stuff, and what we've heard is pretty much true. That is all I will say about that. I have no idea who reads this. Or gets the link from other people's blogs (eg: my sister Heidi found my blog by searching my name in google and David's blog came up. Very insteresting).

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