Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I have a dry socket. On my lower right side. Sunday night/Monday morning I woke up around 3 (like I have every night since Thursday) and felt something in my mouth that was weird. I got it out, and low and behold - it was my stiches from that side. They had fallen out. They are suppose to dissolve by the END of the 5th/beginning of 6th day, and this was the beginning of day 4. Bad sign. Yesterday I was in a lot of pain whenever NOT on a completely fresh dose of 600 mg ibprofen, and today I went in and sure enough, dry socket. (sigh) This isn't what I need, since they put a thing in it to help it heal and kill the pain and I have to go in tomorrow to get it out and a new one put in. I am suppose to go on Thursday too, except that I'm leaving for Boston around 7 am. I told this to the nurse and she said - oh well - you can take it out yourself. ????!?!!?!?!?!??!?!

Not good.

In other news - I also had a physical today, and my PA has the same birthday. She thought that was absolutely incredible. She was fun. The blood test guy was not. I almost left because he was spending so much time trying to find my vein. It was making me a nervous wreck. Finally, he found the elusive blood vessel and proceeded to ask me if I ever have "fun" while playing violin. Quote: "Like, rocking out or fiddling." First, I told him that I am mostly classically trained, which means I usually ALWAYS have fun, even when playing classical music. Second, I told him yes, I have done a little fiddling. He seemed to be very skeptical about the "classical music is also fun" comment. Good lord. I would not be making it my life if I never had fun playing classical music.

Tomorrow is my last day home. Very mixed feelings about this.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the tooth. You can have one of mine, they are going to fall out soon anyway. Hope all your blood is healthy!

kimberlyfitch said...

You can do it, Heather, you will beat the dry socket!