Sunday, January 27, 2008


Things seem to be improving, although it is very very very VERY slow. I'm finally eating a little bit more normally and no longer feel feverish all the time. I have no idea what the heck attacked my body over the past three days, but it was pretty awful. Definitely some type of flu. Unfortunately, now Molly seems to have something as well, and Tatiana called yesterday to report a fever. Everybody's sick.

I played somewhat successfully at Emmanuel this morning, considering how crappy I feel. Julian Kuerti was the conductor for this weekend ( He and I were both TMC fellows in 2005. It was good to see him again, and work with him - he seems to be doing very well for himself (hence the weblink previously) and is even conducting the BSO in March for a full weekend of concerts.

This morning it snowed about 3-4 in - enough to cover everything quite nicely.

I'm going to finish lunch and then keep on my recuperating schedule. Which means a nap soon, followed by lots of vitamins.

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