Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Internet still broken. They're sending a guy out today to go to the local dispatch office to fix it. If that doesn't work, they have to come to my apartment, and no one will be home. So we'll have to reschedule. I expect to not have internet at home for about the next week. (sigh)

Yesterday at orchestra we did the entire Haydn symphony with no conductor. Needless to say, that gave me a lot more pressure and work for cues, tempos, taking time, etc etc etc. I was so exhausted at the end of orchestra I almost cried. Hopefully today he'll pick up a baton and help out. I understand the reasoning for it - especially since the strings in the Berlioz concert were such a disaster - but it did NOT help my tired or stress level AT ALL.

Back to Brahms I go. He and I have a love/hate relationship these days.

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