Sunday, February 17, 2008

Officially 24

Its Sunday afternoon, meaning everything associated to birthday fun is officially OVER.

I had a very good birthday - everyone I saw at school was very nice in their birthday wishes and also expressed how excited they were about the party. The Steinhardt masterclass went ok - at the beginning of the recap, I somehow didn't remember how short my bow is, because I swung for a retake and somehow caught my bow tip underneath my strings. Whoops. My e string was completely out. I had to stop and retune and then start again and it was embarressing. However, Mr. Steinhardt was very nice, very complimentary, and seemed to like our rendition of Schubert - even said he liked our tempo.

After the masterclass, Molly and I went to Shaw's for last minute party items and then came home with 5.5 hours to spare before party time. I also came home to a nice little UPS box - opened it, and there were some very beautifully decorated boxes and inside was candy, cookies, and everything else looking quite delicious. Found the card - it was from Mary! Thank you so much!

Molly and I worked nonstop - she made taco dip and spanikopita while I cleaned the bathroom, living room, and did my laundry - and by 10 pm, we had quite a full house! Around 30 people were here around 11 pm. It was so much fun, we both had a great time, most of the food was gone, as well as the raspberry vodka. We still have some rum and coke left. Any takers?

Yesterday I looked after Adelaide while Heidi had a lesson with Peter before heading out with Tom and Nat to Lenox for a wedding. The wedding was at the Wheatleigh Inn (David - the same road that took us to your sponsors house! Its on Hawthorne near the back entrance to the main grounds). Everything in Lenox was covered in snow and absolutely beautiful, quiet, and so clean and peaceful. It was weird to only be there a day! We had left Boston at 2:30, and Tom dropped me off at my apartment last night at exactly 11 pm. (sigh) Such a long day.

Today I decided to really sleep in. So I did. Woke up at 1 pm. Soon I will head to BU for practice time (competition is in 9 days!) and then have another wedding tonight at the Taj, which is downtown, so thankfully I can get there and home by myself and it will only take at most 40 min.

Thank you to EVERYONE who called, wrote, or facebooked me a happy birthday. I had a wonderful day on Friday, and felt very blessed and loved.


Mary said...

I should've called!

jaroberts said...

Would love to chat - when can I call you?