Friday, February 22, 2008

It is a snowy, blustery day in Boston. So far we've had about 2 inches fall, with it expected to get much worse by tonight. Whoo-hoo! I really really really hope that means orchestra will be canceled within the next hour. That would be excellent.

I just played the Royal March from Soldiers Tale 14 times for the conducting auditions. It was fun, but now I'll have it stuck in my head until orchestra starts. Anyway - it was a very nice stress relief from all the pressure I'm feeling for Brahms, and it wasn't hard. Nice to see somebody ELSE under pressure for a change. Thats cruel, but after Peter yelling about my intonation for a total of three hours yesterday.......(sigh).

Tonight I'm going to BU's Magic Flute production. Should be fun!

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