Friday, February 08, 2008

It has finally FINALLY snowed enough in Boston to make a difference. It took long enough with all the stupid rain we've had this week. My parents both had school canceled because of 19 in of snow on Tuesday - crazy. Wish we'd get something like that here, with some school canceled. Boo.

As I walked out my door this morning to get to school, I ran into the FedEx guy looking at the mailboxes in a very confused fashion. I took one look at the package he was holding, and it was for ME! Its my birthday box from my parents. So I took it back upstairs before leaving. I'll open it later tonight, and if there is anything wrapped, I'll wait till next week to unwrap it. Only 7 more days left of being 23. Not sure how I'm feeling about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And it looks like its REALLY gonna snow tomorrow! :-)