Sunday, February 24, 2008


I'm taking a break now from practicing. I've been very good the past couple days - yesterday I got in about 6 hours, and today I've already run the whole concerto with Molly as well as done two hours of my own work. My body is starting to give out for today, however. My left hand and right wrist ache, and I can feel the space between my shoulders getting tighter and tighter. I haven't really practiced as much as I have this past week for a long time. Hopefully it will all pay off tomorrow when Peter hears the whole thing and declares me ready for Tuesday or decides to pull me out. I just want to play well.

A new friend of Molly's that we had brunch with this morning asked if I was completely sick of Brahms concerto now. As crazy as it may seem, and as frustrated as I've been the past week, the answer is of course NO. How could anyone get sick of it. It is glorious music, and playing it has been a dream of mine since I was 6 years old and saw Itzhak Perlman do it with the Arkansas Symphony. And today I played the whole thing. I am lucky.

I'm also going to be missing trivia night tomorrow at Sunset in order to prep for Tuesday. Molly and I have been going for a couple weeks now. Last week, one of the questions was "Which famous football coach is quoted as saying, 'Tieing a game is like kissing your sister.'" I said Vince Lombardi (I'm a Wisconsin girl, I had to). Dennis thought it was Mike Dittka, an old Bears coach. I should have stuck to my guns - I got the question right, but had backed down and Dennis put the wrong answer down. Shoot!

Spring break is in two weeks. It cannot come fast enough.

Oh, and PS - David isn't conducting the Haydn for the orchestra concert. Which basically means I am. Agh.

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